Coming Soon: A COVID-19 Book Project to Support Those Affected Most by the Pandemic

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You are invited to share your story

“Despite the realities, the dawn of COVID-19 in America also revealed a level of kindness and humanity which reflects who most Americans really are — a caring and loving people willing to extend unconditional love and help when it is needed.”

On April 3rd Earl Cobb and his wife Charlotte were on their final leg of a 2,200-mile road trip from their home in Phoenix back to their Savannah, Georgia home. Under normal circumstances, the drive would be challenging. However, at that time, the President had just declared a national emergency at the dawn of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States.

The declaration was quickly followed by nationwide stay-at-home orders, and subsequently, the U.S. economy was practically shut down. Tens of millions of Americans were beginning to lose their jobs, and hundreds of millions were starting to live with supply shortages and in a severe state of “uncertainty”.

On that day, the Cobbs had an unfortunate incident with the U-Haul trailer they were towing. If it was not for an unexpected act of kindness, they might have had to spend more time on the road as hotels were closing and the uncertainty of the pandemic was growing. According to Earl Cobb, “We were sure that our once uneventful trip had just turned into a personal COVID-19 era challenge.”Though, due to a single act of kindness, all ended well. The Cobbs arrived at their Savannah home safely a day later, as planned.

Based on a deeper reflection upon their April 3rd, 2020 road trip incident, they recently decided to launch a new book project titled, “MY ANGEL THAT DAY: True Stories of Kindness and Humanity During the Dawn of COVID-19 in America”.

They chronicle the details of the incident in a short story they have penned. The story reflects on the kindness they were provided “that day” and identifies their “angel”. The 1,200-word essay also highlights the importance of kindness and humanity during a major unforeseen event, like the global pandemic we are currently experiencing.

The goal of the project, according to the Cobbs, “is to bring more awareness to the fact that despite the realities of unforeseen financial, societal, and personal challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many individuals and organizations across the country, who have stood up and demonstrated a level of kindness and humanity which reflects who most Americans really are — a caring and loving people willing to extend unconditional love and help when it is needed.”

The project is designed to reach out to Americans across the country who personally or who knows someone who experienced a difficult day during the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic and who was touched by someone [or an organization] who seemed to be an “angel.” That is, someone who without having to be asked, helped them get through that day — financially, physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually.

In addition, the objective is to gather as many of these stories as possible, package them into a nationally published and memorable keepsake that can be shared with people throughout the world and with the generations to come.

How to Get Started

All net proceeds of the project will be donated to charities and charitable activities established to assist those Americans whose lives were most impacted during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Anyone who has a story to contribute to the project can do so, on a first-come basis. The project plans to include as many stories as practical. Your story can be about yourself, a family member, a friend, just someone you know, or actual experience in which you are closely acquainted. All stories must be submitted by June 30th, 2020.

All stories must be submitted by June 30th, 2020. The project is working with a publisher and anticipates an October 2020 global release of the book. Submission details can be found at  While there, you can also read the Cobbs’ short story.

Anyone who has a story to contribute to the project can do so, on a first-come basis. The project plans to include as many stories as practical. Your story can be about yourself, a family member, a friend, just someone you know, or actual experience in which you are closely acquainted.


Ervin (Earl) Cobb and Charlotte D. Grant-Cobb, Ph.D. are the owners of RICHER PRESS PUBLISHING, a full service, specialty trade publisher whose sole goal is to shape thoughts and change lives for the better. 

Earl and Charlotte, who currently calls both Phoenix and Savannah home, have been married for 37 years. They have written and published a total of five books as a husband and wife team. The collective seriousness and wit of their work have been described as perfect for “those seeking personal growth, change, and life enrichment but not quite ready for Dr. Phil.”

The Cobbs are recognized as two of the nation’s rising-stars among Self-Improvement, Relationships, and Inspiration authors, lecturers, and speakers.

Learn more about the Cobbs and Richer Press by clicking here

For more information

For more information, contactConnie@richerlifellc.comor call (602) 708-4268. You may also contact us at

Details for submission at 

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We, (The Selma Dean Team of T.E.A.M.S. in Spirit LLC), stand in solidarity with the world-wide community in protest of the violent and criminal acts done in the “name of justice” against men and women of color. The recent killings of Mr. Ahmaud Arbery and Mr. George Floyd are the latest in the centuries-long lynchings of Afro-American people.

Furthermore, as one born in 1954, I am more than exhausted from the discrimination and injustices aimed at my people. My Afro-American husband, brothers, sons, and grandsons should no longer have to fear for their lives even while complying with law enforcement officers. 

Thank you to the beautiful rainbow of people standing together and peacefully protesting the horrific police killing of Mr. Floyd. I’m also grateful for my police family members and friends who risk their lives to enforce the law. Yet, they extend equality and exact justice as they serve. 

Meanwhile, please continue marching in the footsteps of Martin while standing on the word of God. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword…” (Hebrews 4:12)

We love you.

Selma & SDT

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Hi. My name is Mayeen Chen. I have three beautiful children. We live in Palm Bay, Florida.
If you ask anyone to describe me, they would say I’m an encourager. I enjoy helping people and encouraging others with the Word of God.
In my spare time, I love attending church with my family, coloring in adult coloring books, and reading.
My favorite quote is, “Do your best and let God do the rest!” My favorite bible verse is, “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (1Corininthians 13:4-7)

To welcome Mayeen to our team, click here.


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When the psalmist from Israel wrote, “Be still and know that I am God,” he was not sharing his experiences from a relaxing day in the spa. He was in a war. Read on.

To be “still” did not mean “do nothing” during that period of the Israeli war. Instead, God is instructing the armies to stop fighting. The soldiers should put away their instruments of war for now. Then, during the ceasefire, begin to acknowledge and rely on God.

I urge you to hear the voice of God in Psalms 46:10. To us, “Be still and know that I am God” could mean to stop fighting this COVID-19 war with weapons of fear, discouragement, and denial. Today, try taking a time-out from your emotional battles. Pray to God and acknowledge His complete reign. 

Here are your most effective weapons to use when it’s time to go back into the battle of coping with the pandemic. 

  1. Relentlessly practice the scientific guidelines to remain healthy. These include handwashing, sheltering-in-place, social distancing, and wearing masks. Do not neglect to eat well, exercise, and rest. (3John 1:2)
  2. Take time out each day for prayer and meditation. Try to relax by taking several slow, deep breaths. Praying and meditating are your best spiritual remedies for anxiety. (Philippians 4:6)
  3. Study and repeat scriptures daily to remember God’s love and concern for your life. In the Bible, you will find solutions to your problems. You will also discover answers to your questions about your life. (Psalm 119:105) 
  4. Serve God’s people. Find a safe and healthy way to help others doing this challenging time: A phone call, a text, a meal, sewing masks, praying, or donating. These are just a few ways to serve. Besides doing a great deed, service helps to take the focus off your worries. (Luke 6:38)

A ceasefire is temporary. Battles that are physical, economic, mental, and emotional will continue to challenge you for a while. As you stay safe, remember to take time each day to be still in God’s presence. As a result, you will experience God’s, great love. God will also give you the strength to keep fighting.

No matter how difficult things get, because you are a believer, God is leading you toward victory.

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Everyone gets a little anxious at times. Now, because of COVID-19, we struggle with uncertainty and fear daily. There is good news. God cares about your worries and anxiety.

The attached Bible references prove God’s awareness and concern for what you and I are experiencing today. 

1. Stay in the present. Stop dwelling your thoughts on what could or will happen later. Do everything within your power, and leave the rest to God. You must not dwell on painful memories from your past.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34, BSB)

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” (Isaiah 43:18, NIV)

2. Re-think your thoughts.  Recognize when negativity is overtaking your thoughts. Substitute those thoughts with pleasant or positive thinking. Focus on spiritual solutions to whatever problem you are facing. Avoid obsessing about, and trying to solve the problems of other adults.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8, ESB)

“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6, NIV).

“We pull down every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5, GNT)

3. Take a break. Take some alone time. Relax. Take deep breaths. 

“Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.” (Mark 6:31, NLT)

4. Exercise often and eat a healthy diet. Use this time to get as healthy as possible to fulfill your God-given purpose with vigor. Try eliminating one unhealthy habit for 21 days, then move on to the next. Never give up!

“Or know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have from God? and ye are not your own.” (1 Corinthians 6:19, ASV)

“For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord the church:” (Ephesians 5:29, KJV)

5. Laugh and find joy. Find something funny to read, watch, or think about each day. Spending time with God each day will give you pleasure, even during your most difficult moments.

“Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time” (Proverbs 17:22, GNT).

“So rejoice in the LORD and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!” (Psalm 32:11, NLT)

6. Accept and admit your struggles. You are human. It’s okay to be afraid. Talk about your feelings and concerns with others.Get needed help through your pastor, medical professionals, support groups, etc.

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap.” (Luke 21:34, NIV)

7. Practice intentional prayer and meditation each day. Rather than just going through the “habit of praying” each day, focus on the communication process. When praying, really talk to God, then quietly listen as God speaks to you. 

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NASB)

Most of all, no matter what happens, keep your faith. God is bringing you through this difficult time. Meanwhile, may the peace of God be with you.

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What Are You Waiting For?

Are you a “human being,” a “human doing,” or a “human having?” Former psychotherapist, Atalanta Beaumont, addressed this question in her blog, What Are You Waiting For?
Many of us work extremely hard at making a living. However, we should not miss out on living our lives to the utmost. The object of this lesson is to help you discover greater purpose and peace in your life.

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Lesson Two: What Are You Waiting For?

  • Read the following three descriptions of how we, as “humans,” choose to exist. 
  • Spend some time thinking about which most applies to you. 
  • Finally, develop a simple plan to work at losing one of your undesirable traits. 
  • Repeat the exercise with other areas of your life as you begin to experience success. However, remember, change takes time.
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Which of these three “humans” are you?

1. You are a “human doing.”

  • You are helpful and generous. You quickly see the needs of other people and are quick to help them. 
  • You are successful in your career. You have a reputation for getting the job done.  
  • You feel burdened by the things you have to do.
  • You are motivated by the approval of others and want others to notice your accomplishments.
  • You are frequently stressed or feel anxious. You may occasionally suffer with “burn-out,”

What are you waiting for? 

  • You are waiting until you finish every task “perfectly” to relax and enjoy your life. 
  • You are waiting for recognition from people. 

2. You are a “human having.”

  • You are successful and work hard. 
  • You have acquired beautiful personal items, adequate wealth, or coveted positions. 
  • You expect others to admire the things you own.
  • You are not satisfied with what you have. You spend a great deal of time thinking about “things” that you want to have.
  • You feel pressured to have more: i.e., more money, a newer car, a better partner.

What are you waiting for? 

  • You are waiting until you have “enough” to enjoy your life fully. 
  • You may also be waiting for the “perfect” partner to complete your life. 

3.  You are a Human Being.  

  • You are imperfect in every way.

What are you waiting for? Nothing. 

  • You are not waiting until you have enough or do enough to live to your fullest potential.
  • You do not define yourself by what other people think of you.
  • You chase your dreams and not what someone else says you should be doing with your life.
  • Goals, projects, ideas, and material things are the tools for living-out your purpose. 
  • You are genuine. Your personality is the same with everyone.
  • You are living each day with gratefulness and internal peace. 
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Thank you for joining me to complete week two of I AM LOSING CONTROL (IALC), a four-week series of interactive lessons. We recommend working on each activity, along with your daily spiritual care. 

  • Week 1 – Discovering Who 
  • Week 2 – Discovering What 
  • Week 3 – Discovering When 
  • Week 4 – Discovering Where 

Click here to share your response to a question, leave a comment, or ask a question.  

See you next week for lesson three! 



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Lesson One: Discovering Who

I AM LOSING CONTROL (IALC) is an SDT counseling education program. The purpose of IALC is to assist you in removing any emotional roadblocks in your life’s journey. 

IALC is a four-week series of interactive lessons. We recommend working on each activity, along with your daily spiritual care. 

  • Week 1 – Discovering Who 
  • Week 2 – Discovering What 
  • Week 3 – Discovering When 
  • Week 4 – Discovering Where 

Warning: These four lessons are for educational purposes only. However, they are highly reflective and could evoke disturbing thoughts in some people. In this case, discontinue the activity and immediately call your health care provider.


Losing the Controlling Personality

You are probably a controlling person if you:

  • Continually involve yourself with the behavior of others.
  • Regularly assume the responsibilities of other people. 
  • Often criticize the people in your life.
  • Frequently blame others when you are disappointed.
  • Often experience disappointment by people in your circle.

After completing Activity one, you will:

  • Stop assuming responsibility for the well-being of other functioning adults in your life. 
  • Become more intentional with self-growth and self-improvement.
  • Reclaim self-dignity and respect.

Introducing Dr. Les Carter, Author, Psychotherapist, & Speaker

Find out more about Dr. Carter at

I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clear.  If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.

Performed by Michael Jackson, 1988

Reflective Activity 1: Man (or Woman) in the Mirror

1. Make a list of all the people whose behavior, issues, or well-being genuinely concerns you. These are mostly the people you interact with the most.

  • Add your name first, then add other names. 
  • Take as long as you need to complete this list. It could take 5 minutes or five days. 
  • Be as inclusive as you want: significant other, family, friends, work associates, someone from the evening news, etc. 
  • Include individuals you’ve only heard about them from someone else. Yet, their reported actions or behaviors concern you regularly. 

2. After finalizing your list of names, go back through the list, and mark-through each person you cannot change. 

3. The rest of your attention will now go to the remaining person(s) on your list.

  • Only one person’s name should remain on your list. That name is yours. 
  • If you still have other names on your list, it’s ok. You’re getting there!
  • Keep working to eliminate the remaining names until you are the only person left on the list.

4. Reflect on the following questions.

  • After listening to Dr. Carter, do you a controlling person?
  • Are you ready to commit to losing your controlling behavior? Why or why not? 
  • Based on today’s lesson, what mantra can you say each day to help you remain focused on yourself instead of others?
  • What other ways can you influence the behavior of the people marked-through on your list?

5. Repeat the above steps as often as you need. 

6. Continue to learn as much as possible about controlling behavior from professional resources. Remember that changing one’s behavior takes time.

Thank you for being a part of our interactive community. Your thoughts and shared experiences are valuable and needed to complete this lesson. 

Click here to share your response to a question, leave a comment, or ask a question. 

As your pastoral counselor, I confidentially view all responses. Afterward, all non-confidential responses will be posted online at

Thanks. See you next week for part two!


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Life can sometimes feel like a Whack-A-Mole arcade game. Mechanical toy moles are buried in a game board. When the game starts, the moles randomly pop up from their holes. The player uses a mallet to whack the moles back into the holes. The moles keep popping up one by one. Sometimes more than one mole pops up simultaneously. 

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In real-life Whack-A-Mole, the moles are life events and people. You spend a great deal of energy trying to fix a problem. Then another issue pops up. Too often, you are overwhelmed by several problems happening at once.

For years, I tried whacking down the chaos in my life. Also, too much of my energy was consumed trying to make other people happy. I stopped playing that game by losing control. 

Losing control was one of the best things that ever happened to me! I’m convinced it will work for you as well, and SDT will show you how. Read on.

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This Friday, we will begin the series, “I Am Losing Control.” You are invited to engage in a life-changing, cognitive behavior exercise. Cognitive behavior is a therapeutic approach that helps one look at the underlying thinking driving a specific behavior. From there, a change in actions can occur. 

This interactive series lasts three weeks. Completing each simple activity will lead you to discover (or rediscover) passion or peace in your purpose-driven life. 

Thank you in advance for participating in this group event. Meanwhile, until Friday, stay safe, and remain in God’s peace.

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Global cancellations of Easter church services are happening this weekend. More sadly, too many people are coping with the death and illnesses of family and friends. 

But despite how the pandemic has changed our world, these seven happenings will still occur this Easter.

Read on

  1. Jesus still lives. As a young man, Jesus taught masses of people about God’s will for man. He also healed the masses from spiritual, physical, and emotional bondages. At age 33, Jesus’ claim to be the only Son of God led to his brutal execution. After his death and burial, Jesus became alive again. Following his miraculous resurrection, Jesus later ascended from Heaven, where He lives forever(Luke 24:2-3, NLV). 
  2. God still loves you.  You can never earn God’s love. It is free for everyone. You must decide, however, whether or not to accept God’s love. You accept God’s great love for you when you believe in Him and obey His commands (1John 4:16, KJV). 
  3. God will still forgive you. Living against the commands of God is called sin. If you sincerely want God’s forgiveness for sin in your life, He will forgive you. You only need to be willing to give up the sin and sincerely ask for forgiveness (2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT). 
  4. Eternal life is still available to anyone. Eternal life begins the moment you accept Jesus Christ as Savior and give yourself entirely to God. How is it possible to live forever? The body you live in now will eventually die. Upon death, your spiritual person will pass from life on Earth to eternal life with God. (John 5:24).
  5. The fear of death is still conquered. Anxiety about dying (thanatophobia) can impact your life. The COVID-19 pandemic has recently heightened death anxiety. You can rest assured. Jesus proved death is not the end of life (John 11:25, NIV). 
  6. You are still empowered to change destructive habits. God wants you to be free of any toxic behaviors and unhealthy habits. The first step is to realize and then confess your need for help. Then pray for God’s guidance and healing. Keep trying and never give up (1 Corinthians 10:13, NLT). 
  7. Peace amid struggles is still available. Even Christ-followers do not always live peacefully. But God wants you to have peace of mind. The Bible is filled with scripture to help you discover peace amid your trouble. Listening to peaceful music is soul-soothing. Finding a quiet time to pray or meditate will also lead to a tranquil mindset(John 16:33, RSVCE).

Meanwhile, God gives us living benefits. They include fearlessness, peacefulness, and victorious living. 

We celebrate Easter because Jesus is the resurrected Savior of the world. By accepting Jesus as the son of God and believing the Easter story, you will live forever. 

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Your prayers matter to God. However, when challenging or painful situations appear not to change, doubt creeps in. It’s then possible to lose hope. 

Do not lose hope! Instead, activate your hope with unwavering belief. God is, without a doubt, answering your prayers. “Surely, there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18).”

But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all (James 1:6).

Four Reasons Why You Must Believe Your Prayer Matters.

  1. God hears you. Billy Graham considered it a privilege to talk to God. He stated, “Prayer is for every moment of our lives, not just for times of suffering or joy.” God hears you whenever you pray. Since this is true, know that God also gives you what you ask from him (1 John 5:15).
  2. God can deliver you. Keep rampant fear from overcoming you by maintaining your relationship with God. Freedom happens as you give your anxiety to God. Pray specifically about your concerns and worries (Psalm 34:4, ESV).  
  3. God will act on your behalf. Even if you never prayed before, you can begin communicating through prayer with God today. We, believers, have prayed many times for God’s intervention in our situations. He always comes through. Once, when Moses prayed, God even changed His mind! Read Exodus 32:11-14.
  4. God understands your unbelief. Once, a man came to Jesus with his sick son. The man was a believer. However, he confessed to Jesus his struggle with unbelief. Jesus understood this man’s problem with disbelief and healed the man’s son (Mark 9:14-24).

Your prayers matter to God because you matter to Him. God loves you. You are his child. He cares deeply about whatever you are facing today.

Thank you for praying, believing, and exemplifying God’s peace during this time of crisis. Because of your prayer and faith, God is healing our world.

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