Black History Month is more important to the future of American democracy than ever. At a critical time, it offers the nation a window into its own soul-if we are only courageous enough to look.
Hi. This is Selma. I want to share with you about living with anxiety. I was unaware that I was experiencing anxiety for most of my life because I didn’t feel panicky. (I’ll share more as we continue our journey). For now, I want to help others manage this condition and experience peace by sharing what I’ve lived and learned concerning anxiety.
Are You Experiencing Anxiety?
It’s okay to be nervous about an upcoming event or important meeting. But when dread and nervousness creep into every day (and often moments) of our lives, anxiety has taken control. There are common symptoms of anxiety that vary from person to person. The incomplete list of symptoms include:
feeling dread or panic
difficulty focusing
obsessive behavior
Be aware that experiencing one or more of the symptoms may indicate a type of anxiety disorder. It would be best to discuss your symptoms with your primary care doctor. You may require medication or the help of a therapist.
Meanwhile, some lifestyle changes could alleviate your anxiety. Make sure you exercise, manage stress, eat healthily, and get enough sleep. It’s essential to avoid misuse of drugs, alcohol, and nicotine.
Changing Your Thinking
Contrary to what many think, we are never too old to change the way we think. Begin by learning as much as you can about anxiety. Figure out what triggers your anxious feelings. Try to counter negative and fearful thoughts by staying in the moment.
Next week, we will talk more about ways to change negative and fearful thinking. Meanwhile, be blessed.
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Lately, on some mornings, I’ve wanted to pull the covers over my head and hide in bed all day. On other days, I stress-eat anything made with chocolate! But this only happens when I forget to submit my thinking to the peace that God has placed inside me.
In John, 16th chapter, Jesus shared some awful news concerning his immediate future with his disciples. Then, Jesus told them, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world(John 16:33, NIV).”
So, be encouraged today. Whatever stress or sorrow you are feeling now, take a “time-out” and return to your Christ-given gift of peace. It’s already within you.
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Why was their miracle-working leader talking like this? The twelve confused disciples did not understand. Jesus had just explained to them about their upcoming trip into the city of Jerusalem. While there, he would get arrested, badly beaten, and finally, executed. (Luke 18:31-34).
After explaining to his disciples about his appending arrest and execution, Jesus continued to teach and heal the masses of people. Even though the disciples were clueless about where Jesus was leading them, they continued to follow him. Why? They were fully committed to him.
Commitment Is The Key.
The disciples had a choice. They were already believers. Now, they had to choose whether or not they would commit to following. After all, the future Jesus had just painted did not seem too bright. They had different expectations of the one they believed to be their Messiah.
Because even the devil believes, like the disciples, we believers must also commit to “following” Jesus Christ. Thus, we give him one-hundred-percent control of our lives.
The benefits of a one-hundred-percent commitment to Christ exceed life’s obstacles and disappointments. When we turn our lives completely over to God, peacefulness and joyfulness replace hopelessness and self-destruction.
Like the disciples, you may sometimes feel uncertain about what Jesus is saying to you. It’s okay. You can trust him.
Keep digging into the Bible Gospels to discover how Jesus dealt with issues and people. Also, continue to pray daily for renewed energy to live as God commands.
As For Now:
Commit (or recommit) your life to God.
Communicate with God through frequent prayer.
Come to know Jesus’ life and teachings by studying the Bible.
Claim the benefits of peace and joy for your life.
As you stay committed, remember that God has unconditional love for you. God knows where He is leading you, and His plan for your life is perfect.
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Breast Awareness Month has ended, but breast cancer survivors are aware of this disease every day of the month each year.
In October 2019, we featured three breast cancer survivors for Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Maria Simmons, Tremaine Hawkins, and Tamela Walker. Two of them are back with SDT to update you on their inspiring journeys.
Read on.
Maria Simmons
God continues to show favor to me. For the year 2020, every oncologist and primary care visit, cancer surgeon’s exam, gastrologist tests, and mammogram have been negative for cancer.
Besides being featured in the United Way announcement above, I travel with a southern gospel singing group called the Southlanders. I’m also employed as a teacher with the Salvation Army’s after-school Christian Holistic Education Program.
I seize every moment to share my cancer story to uplift and give others hope in each capacity.
On February 25th, 2020, I was diagnosed with a recurrence of breast cancer. This time, the cancerous tumor was in my sternum. Even worse, I found out about my cancer while my mother was having a severe stroke. I was placed back on an intense chemo regimen along with a week of intense radiation. I recently finished chemotherapy. I am not yet declared to be in remission and waiting for a PET scan for confirmation.
Now, I have returned to work in my school district and am busy as ever with my three children. My mother is doing remarkably well. I am so grateful for all God has done for us!
This past year, I completed and signed with a publisher for my first novel. I’ve also received a major promotion at my job.
As of today, my health is excellent. My most recent bone marrow biopsy was in September. My oncologist found no cancer and gave me a clean bill of health.
If today is a stress-filled day for you, there is a way out – go through it.
Read on.
Four Areas of Self Care
During stress-filled times, pay extra attention to your self-care. You may not be able to control whatever is challenging you now. However, you can have peace as you navigate through it.
Spirit. Your inner person or spirit deserves the best care possible. Make prayer a priority each day. since prayer involves communicating your heart to God, you can pray any time and anywhere (I Thessalonians 5:17).
Soul. Your mind, will, and emotions make up your soul. Strained relationships can cause strained feelings. Take an occasional break from the demands of your day. Walk away from negative people(Colossians 3:8-9). Find help with a counselor or pastor if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Body. Consider your body as merely the outer layer of you. Too much attention to it may result in shallowness. Not enough attention could be detrimental. Eat a healthy meal. Take a nap when you’re tired. Your body is worthy of respect(I Corinthians 6:19).
Others. After prioritizing self-care, look beyond yourself to care for others (Philippians 2:4). Send an encouraging text. Hug someone. Remember that you are here for a purpose that is much larger than yourself!
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In chapter eight, the Bible story found in Mark tells of Jesus feeding four thousand people with a few fish and seven loaves of bread. Shortly after the feast, some religious rulers demanded Jesus prove his authority with a miraculous sign. ( As though feeding four thousand people with scraps of bread and fish was not enough!)
Later, Jesus warned his disciples to beware of the unbelieving religious leaders by sharing a metaphor of bread and yeast. It was a profound spiritual lesson. However, the disciples thought Jesus was concerned about lunch for their boat trip. They began to argue because they had not brought any bread.
Jesus responded to the confused men by reminding them of the two recent miracles he had performed. Before feeding the four thousand followers, he fed five thousand people with just five loaves. Besides this, there were several baskets of leftovers after the meal. Finally, the exasperated Jesus asked his disciples, “Don’t you understand yet?”
I’m very much like Jesus’ disciples. I don’t understand the magnitude of God’s greatness yet. Because God’s plans are not always clear to me, I tend to worry. Sometimes I succumb to fear or loneliness.
No. I don’t understand why God allows us to suffer from cancer, a child’s death, failed relationships, financial crisis, addictions, and an ongoing pandemic.
But I know God loves me, and I love Him. Therefore, I’ll remain faithful and follow Him wherever He leads me. Then, someday, as the old gospel tune says, “We will understand it better by and by.”
God bless you. We love hearing from you. For comments or questions, click here.
Hello Team. I’m praying for your health and wellbeing. Try to stay calm by not succumbing to the spirit of fear prevalent in the United States and the world. Here are three suggestions for remaining calm as you wait-out the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. Live peacefully. Peace is God’s gift to you. (In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord will keep me safety. Psalm 4:8)
2.Live faithfully. God is in control. Learn about his plan for your life by studying and confessing scripture. (But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the leader of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe. Mark 5:36)
3. Live healthily. Be relentless in wearing masks and practicing social distancing. Use this time alone to get closer to God, become healthier, learn a new skill, or reconnect with family and friends. (Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31)