Hi. This is Selma. I want to share with you about living with anxiety. I was unaware that I was experiencing anxiety for most of my life because I didn’t feel panicky. (I’ll share more as we continue our journey). For now, I want to help others manage this condition and experience peace by sharing what I’ve lived and learned concerning anxiety.  

Are You Experiencing Anxiety?

It’s okay to be nervous about an upcoming event or important meeting. But when dread and nervousness creep into every day (and often moments) of our lives, anxiety has taken control. There are common symptoms of anxiety that vary from person to person. The incomplete list of symptoms include:

  • nervousness
  • feeling dread or panic
  • difficulty focusing
  • insomnia
  • obsessive behavior
  • others

Be aware that experiencing one or more of the symptoms may indicate a type of anxiety disorder. It would be best to discuss your symptoms with your primary care doctor. You may require medication or the help of a therapist. 

Meanwhile, some lifestyle changes could alleviate your anxiety. Make sure you exercise, manage stress, eat healthily, and get enough sleep. It’s essential to avoid misuse of drugs, alcohol, and nicotine.

Changing Your Thinking

Contrary to what many think, we are never too old to change the way we think. Begin by learning as much as you can about anxiety. Figure out what triggers your anxious feelings. Try to counter negative and fearful thoughts by staying in the moment. 

Next week, we will talk more about ways to change negative and fearful thinking. Meanwhile, be blessed.

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  1. Good morning My dear sister and friend Selma

    Wow, I had no idea that you were suffering from anxiety.. I am so glad that you are sharing this with me. I must admit something to you.. I too were suffering with anxiety. I started suffering from anxiety when my mother died. My mother was 58 years old when she died. I miss my mother a great deal. So I began to suffer from anxiety… I went to see the doctor about this. He put me on some medications. Lexapo was the medications that I was on. I took it for several years. After my heart transplant the heart doctor took me off of it… I decide that I did not needs it. When I feels that I am about to have an anxiety attack. I turned to the words of God. I lean on his words. Simple because his words is true. Thank you so much. I love you so much. Yes we can live above anxiety… Stay blessed. Hugs!

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