Lately, on some mornings, I’ve wanted to pull the covers over my head and hide in bed all day. On other days, I stress-eat anything made with chocolate! But this only happens when I forget to submit my thinking to the peace that God has placed inside me.

In John, 16th chapter, Jesus shared some awful news concerning his immediate future with his disciples. Then, Jesus told them, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world(John 16:33, NIV).”

So, be encouraged today. Whatever stress or sorrow you are feeling now, take a “time-out” and return to your Christ-given gift of peace. It’s already within you. 

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Peace and Blessings!


  1. Thank you! I definitely feel the same some mornings..Gods peace is what is sustaining me. It’s good to know His peace is something I don’t have to find or try to obtain. This day forward I will remember it’s already in me!

  2. Thank you for all of the nuggets you’ve shared to help us through these tough times.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  3. Yes, He knows how we are doing, how we feel, what we need, what we pray for, at all times. He knows every thought in our mind. And He is with us despite the circumstances. HE knows the answers, they are in us, but sometimes we don’t listen hard enough, sometimes all we need is His peace.

  4. This is just what I needed. Sometimes when you’re troubled we fail to remember who we’re serving. Thank you for the reminder.

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