More than ten years after her death, I can still hear my mom praying for everyone to get “more love.” She wanted her loving family and everyone to love better. I agreed. But at the time, I didn’t realize the intentional behavioral changes it would take to become more loving.

Likewise, Paul, the apostle, described mom’s “more love” as “overflowing love.” Paul prayed his followers would discover a love that overflowed (Read I Thessalonians 3:12). How is it possible to increase the tremendous love you already give? Read on to learn four steps for taking your love life to a higher level.

“Every act of love is a work of peace no matter how small.” (Mother Theresa)

Getting To Overflowing Love

Level 1 – Accept  – The theologian, C. S. Lewis, said, “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” Accept God’s unconditional love by accepting the way God created you. Ignore the old voices in your head that focus on your faults. Start each day with gratefulness for God’s love and acceptance toward you. 

Level 2 – Discover -Fall in love with God just as you fall in love with anyone. Attending corporate worship is excellent. However, your time alone with God is essential. Remember, prayer times include speaking as well as listening to him. Grow stronger through a consistent Bible study routine. (See Psalm 37:31)

Level 3 -Share – Sharing “overflowing love” to loved ones is usually a matter of becoming less self-involved (See Romans 12:10). As we work through our issues and faults, we become more accepting and less critical of our families and friends.

“Overflowing love” also requires finding out how your loved one needs to be loved. In what ways can you deny yourself to meet his or her needs?

Level 4 – Expand – Some people are easy to love. For whatever reasons, loving some individuals can be challenging. 

Many times, the complicated process of forgiving must happen to expand our love. Then, your sincere love can overflow into the lives of those who have hurt you.  (See Matthew 6:14-15). They may never be capable of returning your compassion. But when you forgive them, you will experience God’s peace.

Reaching Your Goal

I finally get the vast significance of my mom’s prayer. God is pleased with His creation. However, personal conflicts and differences will always interrupt our love-flow.

God’s love for us never stops because it is eternal. Therefore, as long as we’re on this earth, we try to love better. Only by striving for overflowing love can we achieve the highest and greatest level of love -eternal love.

“Every act of love is a work of peace no matter how small.” (Mother Theresa)

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  1. Thanks for this AWESOME article on love. We all can use more love in our lives. These steps are a great guide on saving for college.

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