On this past father’s day, I listened to an Air Force chaplain speak of several ways to build a legacy. He illustrated how serving others was one way to build our legacies. I could easily relate to a legacy of service through my dad.

Dad regularly served his neighbors and church with his carpentry and plumbing skills. Also a barber, he visited sick and elderly neighbors at their homes to give shaves and haircuts.

Sincere, heartfelt, service to others is always a win-win. When you spend time helping others, you add value to their lives. In return, you discover purpose and fulfillment for your life.

Read on to discover four reasons why serving others will also serve you.Woman Bringing Meal For Elderly Neighbour                            4 Reasons Why Serving Others Also Serve You

  1. Service substitutes busyness – By using some of your energy to help someone else, you will better prioritize your time. You will learn to spend more time on what is most important.
  2. Service cures self-absorption – We step back from being totally consumed by our own issues. We may even begin to realize that our lives are pretty good compared to others!
  3. Service combats boredom – Are you spending countless hours playing games and watching movies? This could equal boredom. Serving others is the antidote to boredom.
  4. Service assets career moves – You may be dreaming of a better job or changing your career. Spend some time volunteering in that area. You can get a feel for what it’s like. You can network. You also gain valuable experience for your job resume.

There are many opportunities to serve all around us. Who needs your help? Among many, here are just a few categories.

  1. Elderly Citizens – Meals-on-Wheels, community centers, care centers.
  2. Youth – Schools, recreation centers, scouts, youth clubs.
  3. Churches – Endless opportunities for church members.
  4. Non-profit Organizations – Medical centers, museums, libraries, parks.


There are no rules for how often you should serve. You can commit to once a year, once a month, once a week, or once a day. Your time and sincere commitment are always needed and appreciated.

If volunteering to serve in a group is too much, consider this: There is at least one person who can use a phone call today to cheer them up. Start by reaching out to one person at a time.

Caution! The people we serve are not there to meet our needs or make us feel complete. We make ourselves servants for their good.  We do no harm.

Question: How has serving others also served you?  You can leave a comment by clicking here. (You can read my Comments Policy by clicking here.)  



  1. Serving others is fun and fills my life with joy. I help families from Syria to find their way in a new life here in Germany. They don´t speak german or englisch, they don´t know anything about the life in Europe. It is a plessure to me, to help these people finding a new home, learn german , get the children in schools, get all the paperwork done and to recover from their hard lifes in years of war and distruction.
    I thank God for blessing me with a heart to serve others. After many years of suffering from a mayor depression serving others is filling my life with love, the love of God, the love for myself and the love for people in need.

    1. Thanks for sharing Kordula. You are certainly making a difference. Your heart for serving is showing God’s love to the families! Stay in touch.

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