Do you ever feel that you need more love more? Does that mean you need to receive more love or do you need to give more love? Read on to find out more.My mom, who went to heaven in 2009, often prayed for everyone to get “more love.” Paul, the apostle, described my mom’s “more love” as “overflowing love.” Paul also prayed for his followers to discover a love that overflowed (I Thessalonians 3:12 NLT).


1. Accept Love – You are loved. Do you accept God’s love for you? Best of all, God’s love for you is unconditional (I John 4:10). You don’t have to earn it or work to keep it.  It’s yours for all eternity. C. S. Lewis said, “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.”

  • God accepts you as you are. There’s no need for pretenses with him or anyone else.
  • Be your authentic and wonderfully-made self.
  • Be grateful to God each day for His great love for you.

2. Discover Love – Fall in love with God. Loving God is the highest form of love that you can ever give. Discover how to love God with all of your being: heart, mind, and soul (Matthew 22:37).

  • Spend time with Him alone each day. Look for him in nature.
  • Talk and listen to him through prayer.
  • Learn more about Him through a study of the Holy Scriptures

3. Share Love – You share your love with family, close friends, and others. How do you show your love? Is it your way or God’s way? Pray for God’s help to show “overflowing love” with them and others.

  • Become less self-involved (Romans 12:10).  Focus on changing your own faults instead of others.
  • Practice becoming more accepting and less critical of your families and friends.
  • Try finding out how the other person needs love. How can you deny yourself to meet his or her needs?

4. Expand Love – Some people are easy to love. Others are not. For whatever reasons, loving some individuals can be a challenge for you. I believe the closest relative to “love” is “forgiveness.”

  • For some of you, the difficult process of forgiving must happen first (Matthew 6:14-15). After forgiving, your love can begin to overflow into the lives of those who have hurt you.
  • Others may never be capable of returning your love. But after granting them your sincere forgiveness, you will experience peace.

Finally,… It is God’s love in you that overflows to others.  Now, when I’m feeling lonely or unloved, I remind myself that I was not placed on this planet to receive love from others. My purpose is to share God’s love with them.

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 NIV

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  1. Hello Selma Dean Team?‼️ Thank you for your encouragement and guidance in living a spirit filled compassionate life ! You have a wonderful and empowering outreach, which I am pleased to share with my family and friends. I believe that Love is the very essence of God. I am the image of God. Therefore I reflect that love. I believe that confusion can distort the image of God and create doubt. Doubt destroys faith. Faith is what keeps us in salvation and eternal life. Love strengthens us and grows faith as we work diligently to master the task of love ❤️
    We are commanded to love God and one another. The love is already there, we just need to be more obedient and believe that God truly made us in his image; in his likeness. I am the image of God. Jesus,my savior is love. God is love; therefore I am ❤️

    1. Virlin. Well said and absolutely true. Keep up the good work of sharing God’s love. Thank you for adding your wisdom and insight to this post. God bless and much love to you.

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