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Why was their miracle-working leader talking like this? The twelve confused disciples did not understand. Jesus had just explained to them about their upcoming trip into the city of Jerusalem. While there, he would get arrested, badly beaten, and finally, executed. (Luke 18:31-34).

After explaining to his disciples about his appending arrest and execution, Jesus continued to teach and heal the masses of people. Even though the disciples were clueless about where Jesus was leading them, they continued to follow him. Why? They were fully committed to him.

Commitment Is The Key.

The disciples had a choice. They were already believers. Now, they had to choose whether or not they would commit to following. After all, the future Jesus had just painted did not seem too bright. They had different expectations of the one they believed to be their Messiah.

Because even the devil believes, like the disciples, we believers must also commit to “following” Jesus Christ. Thus, we give him one-hundred-percent control of our lives.

The benefits of a one-hundred-percent commitment to Christ exceed life’s obstacles and disappointments. When we turn our lives completely over to God, peacefulness and joyfulness replace hopelessness and self-destruction. 

Like the disciples, you may sometimes feel uncertain about what Jesus is saying to you. It’s okay. You can trust him. 

Keep digging into the Bible Gospels to discover how Jesus dealt with issues and people. Also, continue to pray daily for renewed energy to live as God commands.

As For Now: 

  • Commit (or recommit) your life to God. 
  • Communicate with God through frequent prayer.
  • Come to know Jesus’ life and teachings by studying the Bible. 
  • Claim the benefits of peace and joy for your life.

As you stay committed, remember that God has unconditional love for you. God knows where He is leading you, and His plan for your life is perfect. 

We love hearing from you. Click here to leave comments or questions. Thanks and God bless!

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  1. Thank you! I do my best to accept situations in my life even when I don’t understand why God allows it to happen. Situations with my children for ex, I know that my actions can cause certain situations to occur and also even simple by not reacting to certain situations will provide room for other situations to develop. Sometimes I question myself Nd God like how do I know if I’m the one that is causing this to happen, I know He allows it to happen.

    I tend to blame myself sometimes saying maybe it’s because I didn’t pray hard enough, or I didn’t put out enough effort and go the extra mile. I trust God and I know He is not a God of confusion.

    • Mayeen, I hear your concern. You have taken the important first step of self-reflection. Don’t hesitate to find some good counseling to help you sort things out. Praying for you and your children.