Here’s How to Maintain Your Peace

When was the last confrontation you had with a stranger? Did a road-rage bully provoke you? A rude store clerk? An annoying customer? A friend of a friend’s Facebook comment?

Whatever the case, you can prevent a rude encounter from destroying your peace by transforming your thinking. Read on.

Here is how to maintain your peace when confronted by rude strangers.

1. Put your safety first (Psalm 16:1).

Foremost, are you in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe? If not, get there quickly.

When challenged by rude individuals, you have nothing to prove. You can choose to walk away. If needed, get help from the proper authority (i.e., manager, law enforcement).

2. Control your anger (Ephesians 4:26)

No one is saying you should not get angry. You have a right to be angry when needlessly attacked. However, uncontrolled anger is destructive. 

Protect yourself emotionally by controlling your reactions to another’s anger or rudeness. Practice responding calmly to aggressive people. Take deep breaths. Ask for someone else to assist you. Again, you have the choice to walk away.

3. Express your feelings (Deuteronomy 26:7).

Someone may say to you, “Shake it off,” or “Just move on.” Ignore that advice. It mattered to you, and your feelings matter. 

Ignoring a disturbing incident can cause anger or pain to bury inside of you. Instead, try writing your thoughts in a journal or talk it over with someone. Above all, pray about it.

4. Don’t swallow the poison (Matthew 6:14).

To not internalize the venom hurled at you, forgive. Forgiving does not let the offender off the hook. Instead, forgiveness is a decision to let go of anger and the desire for revenge. 

After deciding to forgive someone, you may still feel pain or anger. However, you have taken the vital step of setting yourself free from the slavery of unforgiveness. Most of all, you release yourself from the offender’s grip on your emotions. Finally, your peace is restored. 

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  1. Good afternoon, just wanted to say thank you Selma Dean Team for another inspiring and uplifting scriptures that truly helps to keep us all at a certain Peace. Please keep them coming, I really Appreciate them. Thank you,


      1. Thanks for this writeup Selma. It’s a blessing to receive uplifting contents from you, from time to time.
        God bless you.

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