Is it difficult to follow God’s lead because you don’t understand what He means, where He is leading you, or what He is doing? You are not alone. In one of the most critical periods in history, Jesus’ disciples found themselves in a similar situation. 


When You Don’t Understand What God is Doing

One day, Jesus called his twelve disciples aside to tell them about their upcoming trip into the city of Jerusalem. While there, he would get arrested, badly beaten, and executed. Yet, after three days, he would rise from death. The disciples understood none of what Jesus was saying. (Luke 18:31-34).

Follow these 3 steps to understand God’s plan for you. 


1. Follow the Leader 

After dropping that bomb on the men about his arrest and execution, Jesus continued to work. He kept healing, preaching, teaching, praying, and loving all the way to the end. The disciples followed Him.

You should do the same. Explore the way Jesus dealt with people and problems! Like the disciples, He wants you to follow His lead.


2.  Commit Completely 

The men may have been clueless about Jesus’ discouraging message. However, the disciples stayed faithful. They were committed to Jesus. Why? Because they knew Him well enough to know they could trust Him with their lives.

Learn more about Jesus through Bible study. Regardless of how things may seem, trust Him completely. 


3. Stay Focused

Like the disciples, you may feel uncertain about your immediate future. Whatever happens, focus on this: God loves you, and He deeply cares about what you are going through. 

You are God’s child. His plan for your life is perfect. Continue to pray and believe God’s Word. Rest assured. Your future lies safely in your Heavenly Father’s hands.

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Our four-year-old granddaughter and I were in my car navigating through the heavy, Northern Virginia traffic. We listened to gospel music as we rode. However, I paid little attention to the music. In addition to the traffic, my mind was on several challenges I was facing that week.

I was suddenly aware of my granddaughter’s sweet voice singing along with a song. “Nobody’s greater. Nobody’s greater. Nobody’s greater than You.” She sang joyfully with a happy, peaceful look on her face. Then, I understood God’s message to me.

Through a little one’s joyful praise, God spoke to my heart. “He is much greater than all of my problems and concerns. I need to trust Him and believe in His Written Word as I work through my issues.” 

For the remainder of that week, I faced all my challenges with much less stress. My focus had shifted from fear and worry to faith in God’s power to help me. Now, years later, I still say, “There is nobody greater than you, Lord.” 

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Do You Struggle with Negative Thinking?

A lifetime of fear, shame, and other harmful emotions can lead to chronic negative thinking. Here are just a few examples of what fuels persistent negative thoughts. 

  1. Unresolved anger, shame, and other harmful emotions.
  2. Becoming too consumed with what others are doing that may not concern you.
  3. Mistreatment from others or being in an abusive relationship.
  4. Frequently rehashing past mistakes and wrong decisions.
  5. The need to always be right.

“Flip the Switch” To Positive Thinking.

A few years ago, my therapist taught me how to turn off my negative thinking and excessive ruminating. She encouraged me to turn off my invading negative thoughts by “flipping the switch.”  

You can do this silent, mental exercise anytime and anywhere. Here is how it works:

1. Flip the switch. When you become lost in negative thinking, break the cycle by using your finger to flip off an imaginary “negative thought” control switch in your mind. Use the same motion as you would when turning off a light switch. 

Eventually, you will not have to go through that motion. “Flipping the switch will become a mental habit.

2. Replace the negative thought. Think of a loving word or phrase to silently replace the negative thoughts. Some examples are love, peace, Jesus, “Rejoice in the Lord. “It’s a good day,” 

I suggest you use the same loving word or phrase each time. Watch how other positive thoughts will follow your loving word or phrase.

3. Keep practicing. When negative thinking returns (and it will), then start the process over. Flip off the negative thoughts and think of your loving word or phrase. 

You may never be free of negative thoughts. That is okay. Some negative thoughts can protect you from harm. However, your goal is to be a positive and peaceful person. 

Read My Story.

I struggled with disabling, negative thinking for most of my life. I knew God promised us peace through faith in Jesus Christ. However, I had to learn to put some actions to my faith. “Flip the switch” is one of the techniques I learned years ago and still use today. 

My faith in God and my daily practice of this technique have relieved my lifelong habit of negative thinking. I pray you will also discover the kind of peace that I now enjoy. +

Finally, if you or someone you love is thinking about hurting yourself or others, please seek professional help immediately. If you do not know where to turn for help, please get in touch with us. We will be happy to assist you.

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Today’s re-edited post is about perfectionism, which is one of my most significant challenges.

Meanwhile, I pray you will also benefit from these 7 Bible verses for beating unhealthy professionalism. 

Take care. Stay Safe.

Selma & SDT


Do you never want to disappoint others? Do everything the “right” way? Healthy perfectionism will inspire you to push yourself to your maximum potential. 

However, suppose the voice inside of you is constantly overly critical of yourself and others. Then, you may be living with unhealthy perfectionism.

There is never an end to unhealthy perfectionism. We live in exhaustion from trying over and over to get things better. 

This post will not attempt to explain the psychology behind our perfectionism. Instead, we are going directly to the Bible for our cure! 

These seven verses can help you embrace your imperfections and stop worshipping the self-destructive “Idol of Perfectionism.”

1. Be Honest.  If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (1John 1:8 ESV)

2. Be Spirit-led.  Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by[a] the flesh? (Galatians 3:3, ESV)

3. Be Merciful.  But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great… Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:35-36)

4. Be Peaceful.  You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. (Isaiah26:3)

5. Be Humble.  And he said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God. (Luke 16:15, ESV)

6. Be Non-judgmental.  Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment. (John 7:24)

7. Be Christ-like.  Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:3-8)

Jesus Christ is the only person born on this Earth to live without sin.

We, however, are born with imperfections. Yet, we can learn to love our imperfect selves by admitting our weaknesses. We must start living to please God and stop living for praise and admiration from people. As a result, we will grow stronger in Christ and experience more peace within ourselves.

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Father God,

Thank you for your love and grace to us. We are asking for your protection and these blessings for our children as they return to school: 

  • Keep them safe from those who would harm them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
  • Protect them from COVID-19, and if any become infected with the disease, please heal them completely.
  • Bless and encourage their school personnel to serve them fairly and competently.
  • Help our children to listen, learn, and be respectful to others. 
  • Help us to be an example of your love as we live faithful and fearless before them.
  • Bless us financially to provide for their care. 
  • Please give us the wisdom to lead them to you as their personal Savior so they can have eternal life.​​​​​​​

We pray all of this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


Here’s How to Maintain Your Peace

When was the last confrontation you had with a stranger? Did a road-rage bully provoke you? A rude store clerk? An annoying customer? A friend of a friend’s Facebook comment?

Whatever the case, you can prevent a rude encounter from destroying your peace by transforming your thinking. Read on.

Here is how to maintain your peace when confronted by rude strangers.

1. Put your safety first (Psalm 16:1).

Foremost, are you in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe? If not, get there quickly.

When challenged by rude individuals, you have nothing to prove. You can choose to walk away. If needed, get help from the proper authority (i.e., manager, law enforcement).

2. Control your anger (Ephesians 4:26)

No one is saying you should not get angry. You have a right to be angry when needlessly attacked. However, uncontrolled anger is destructive. 

Protect yourself emotionally by controlling your reactions to another’s anger or rudeness. Practice responding calmly to aggressive people. Take deep breaths. Ask for someone else to assist you. Again, you have the choice to walk away.

3. Express your feelings (Deuteronomy 26:7).

Someone may say to you, “Shake it off,” or “Just move on.” Ignore that advice. It mattered to you, and your feelings matter. 

Ignoring a disturbing incident can cause anger or pain to bury inside of you. Instead, try writing your thoughts in a journal or talk it over with someone. Above all, pray about it.

4. Don’t swallow the poison (Matthew 6:14).

To not internalize the venom hurled at you, forgive. Forgiving does not let the offender off the hook. Instead, forgiveness is a decision to let go of anger and the desire for revenge. 

After deciding to forgive someone, you may still feel pain or anger. However, you have taken the vital step of setting yourself free from the slavery of unforgiveness. Most of all, you release yourself from the offender’s grip on your emotions. Finally, your peace is restored. 

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Preparing To Endure the Storms of Life

It’s hurricane season again! Even as the tropical system develops far out in the oceans, we prepare for its potential threat. We also have a plan to survive its impact.

Likewise, how much more should we prepare for the storms that will eventually happen in our lives? Do we live stressed out because of what might happen in the future? When difficult times and challenging people confront us, do we allow our peace to be destroyed? 

If so, remember that God’s word guides us to prepare for and endure the stormy seasons of life. In Ephesians 6:13, the Apostle Paul challenges us to put on every piece of the armor of God. Why? Because an evil day is surely coming. Read on.

In Ephesians 6: 13-17, we find every spiritual tool to face difficult times. I urge you to review this passage with me. This time, let’s take the armor apart. Put on one piece at a time. Take your time getting dressed with the armor. Some parts may be a bit more challenging to apply than others. Take your time and do it daily: perhaps for the rest of your life!

After completing this exercise, watch how much better prepared you are to face your storms. Even after you do everything you know to do and feel you can do no more, you will stand firm with your peace intact. This is God’s promise to you. 

Ephesians 6:13-17, NLT 

​​​​​13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 

14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 

15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 

16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 

17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God

We are praying for your peace today. God bless you.

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Excerpted From: Daily Recovery Readings – June 23 – Just for Today Meditations

This morning I read a vital life lesson from Alcoholics Anonymous’ Daily Recovery Readings.  I immediately shared it with our children and now with you – my SDT family. So, here it is, and may God bless you as you continue to live one day at a time.

“Real friends are those who, when you’ve made a fool of  yourself, don’t feel that you’ve done a permanent job.”
Erwin T. Randall

What kind of friends do we have? Are they people who complain a lot? Are they people who laugh at us or put others down?

The kind of people we want to be will decide what kind of friends we have. If we want to feel sorry for ourselves, we will choose friends who will tell us how rotten their lives are. If we want to think we’re better than others, we will hang around people who laugh at others’ mistakes.

But if we want to be the best we can be, we will pick friends who see the good in life, people who will encourage us to be ourselves and who will help us try harder at things that are difficult for us.

How can I be a better friend today?

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Do you continually involve yourself with the behavior of others?

Do you regularly assume the responsibilities of other people? 

Do you often criticize the people in your life?

Do often experience disappointment by people in your circle?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, have fun with this interactive activity.

1. First, make a list of the people whose behavior, issues, or well-being genuinely concern you. Start with your name. Then, be as inclusive as you want: significant other, family, friends, work associates, politicians, etc.  

2. After finalizing your list of names, go back through the list and scratch through each person you cannot change. 

3. Whose names remain on your list? Ideally, only one person’s name should remain on your list. That name is yours. However, If you still have other names on your list, it’s okay. You’re getting there.

4. Finally, please scroll down to hear and reflect on this message by Dr. Les Carter.

Dr. Les Carter, Author, Psychotherapist, & Speaker http://drlescarter.com/      

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. (Psalms 139:23)

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As your pastoral counselor, I confidentially view all responses. Afterward, all non-confidential responses will be posted online at https://www.selmadean.com.