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If today is a stress-filled day for you, there is a way out – go through it.   

Read on.

Four Areas of Self Care

During stress-filled times, pay extra attention to your self-care. You may not be able to control whatever is challenging you now. However, you can have peace as you navigate through it.

  1. Spirit. Your inner person or spirit deserves the best care possible. Make prayer a priority each day. since prayer involves communicating your heart to God, you can pray any time and anywhere (I Thessalonians 5:17).
  2. Soul. Your mind, will, and emotions make up your soul. Strained relationships can cause strained feelings. Take an occasional break from the demands of your day. Walk away from negative people(Colossians 3:8-9). Find help with a counselor or pastor if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Body. Consider your body as merely the outer layer of you. Too much attention to it may result in shallowness. Not enough attention could be detrimental. Eat a healthy meal. Take a nap when you’re tired. Your body is worthy of respect(I Corinthians 6:19).
  4. Others. After prioritizing self-care, look beyond yourself to care for others (Philippians 2:4). Send an encouraging text. Hug someone. Remember that you are here for a purpose that is much larger than yourself!

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  1. Dr. Dean,

    Another AWESOME MESSAGE. Areas 1&4 are already working, if I become more disciplined with Areas 2 & 3 my SELF-CARE will surly improve. May God Bless You and your Team

  2. Hello Selma

    Last week where amazing, I did not stress about anything. I find myself not worry about anything. I do that stress can harm your health. So what I do is rely on the words of God.
    In God’s word, he tell us not to worry. He want us to talk to him. This is what I do. I pray unto the father. I know that he can change my situation if I have anything on my mind. This changes my mind, my spirit, and my inner person. Prayers changes everything.